Agenda of the Events

Autumn 2017

Group Guided Meditation Sessions

Because the group allows an energy amplification, I offer to conduct guided meditations on various themes: anchoring the place of inner peace, connecting with the inner child, connecting with the ideal partner, connecting with the spiritual guides, learning to love yourself and forgive, inviting abundance, etc. A wide range of themes that we can address during the year. During a guided meditation, we will enter a trance that will allow us to access the subconscious and the supra-conscious. We will only reach these levels of altered consciousness, through breathing and hypnotic induction, in a completely natural way. It is during this meditation that we can then redirect the mechanism of our thoughts and modify the repetitive patterns that shape our life on the physical plane. These meditations will allow you to discover, the benefits of hypnosis and hypnotherapy, since they are inspired by certain protocols used during a regular private session.

Along the magical journeying of Odile Omkara*'s Tibetan Bowls, according to her availibility.

Since the sessions take place while laying down, you just need to bring a yoga mat and a blanket. We will conclude our sessions with a free drink and a moment of sharing our inner journey. 

The dates and locations are soon to be announced here.

*Prices varies from 12€ to 24€ depending on the offered sessions.
Discounts for Students and Job Seekers.

Clouds in Avalon

For further info, please feel free to consult my Facebook page or contact me on my mobile on


Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Diploma registered with GHSC.
© 2016 Les Fées d'Avalon - Sofizel
Siret 819 866 104 00014

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